Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Doctor's Appointment

This morning I went to the doctor to get a physical for the marching band. I've been swimming a lot recently and have had some trouble in my right ear. When I told the nurse that she looked in my ear and said that I had a lot of ear wax built up, so she went to search for..."The Elephant Sprayer". She shot water into my ear at high speeds for about 3 minutes with a look of frustration on her face.

"No luck?" I asked.

"Nothing", she said.

She put some kindof ointment in my ear and waited for about 15 minutes then she came back for another try.

As she sprayed the "Elephant" into my ear all of the sudden she had a great look of joy come onto her face. She said, "You're gonna lova me!" ..."this is exciting!"

She was so determined to get that ear wax out when she saw something come out she was filled with true joy and a sense of accomplishment.

She said, "because of me you are gonna be able to hear the music in the band perfectly and do great, and you'll be able to get straight A's in class cause you'll be able to hear the professor perfectly! Check out what i pulled from your ear!"

I looked in the bucket thing she put it in and it was one of the most horrifying but joyous things I had ever seen! It was a large mass of BLACK nasty ear wax!!!! EEEWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I asked her why it was black and she said cause it has been there for a long time! I can hear better than a bat now!!!!! It's so clear and isn't muffled anymore...I never knew it was so muffled but now i can tell a difference.

This day, my friends, will go down in the history books! I haven't had such a joyous removal of ear wax since I was 10 years old! I remeber it vivedly but i wont go into details of that one...

Note: Pictured above is not the actual ear wax that was removed this morning. No ear wax was harmed in the making of this post. Thank You.

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